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Headless WordPress Made Easy: 🏝 îles + Generative AI with Vue Designer

Learn with Vue Designer – Course 2

To follow this 1 hour 45 minutes long course, ensure that you are using Vue Designer v1.6 or above.

fathimarecipes.com is a simple MPA-SSG recipe blog where the data is fetched from a WordPress instance in a headless way. The JAMstack approach provides great flexibility in designing and presenting content to users. Only publicly accessible content, such as posts, site info, categories, and tags are fetched.

Special offer for early adopters of Vue Designer

Take advantage of our time-limited launch offer with half off the regular price and free premium add-ons for Tailwind CSS and Vuetify.

And you get to keep this promotional price and add-ons for as long as your plan is active, not only for the first year.

Visit Vue Designer Homepage to take advantage of the launch offer

Here is a full list of chapters for your easy reference:

02Quick Start
03Quick Warm-Up
04Project Brief
05Hero Section Template
06Headless WordPress Plugin
07Site Info Query
08Posts Query
09Dynamic Page
10Date Transformations
11Misc Updates
12JAMstack Deployment
13Reusable Template

Last updated on December 19, 2024 at 1:57 pm

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