Learn with Vue Designer – Course 1
Start with this 6-hour course, organized into 40 concise chapters.
Throughout this course, we will transform a static HTML landing page into dynamic Vue Islands using advanced frameworks such as îles, Vitepress, and Astro. This practical experience will help you uncover the vast capabilities of Vue Designer.
We start with the basics of Vue and progress naturally towards more advanced concepts. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to expand your skills, our course ensures a smooth journey from simple to complex Vue concepts.
Vue Components
In the first 12 chapters, we will convert the static HTML page into plain Vue components simply through copy & paste.
Fundamentals of Vue
Moving on to the second set of 12 chapters, we will delve into the fundamentals of Vue. This phase will involve transforming reusable parts of the page into simple, manageable components.
Vue’s Reactivity and Composition API
In the subsequent 12 chapters, we will explore Vue’s reactivity mechanism with its powerful composition API. Additionally, we’ll learn how to fetch pizza data from an external API source and gain insights into the trade-offs between Multi-page and Single-page applications.
Astro, and Vitepress with Pinia State Management
Lastly, in the concluding 4 Bonus sections, we’ll take our Pizzeria îles app to the next level by transitioning it into both Astro and Vitepress frameworks. Additionally, we’ll incorporate Pinia for efficient state management, resulting in smooth, snappy, and responsive navigation through Vitepress.
Special offer for early adopters of Vue Designer
Take advantage of our time-limited launch offer with half off the regular price and free premium add-ons for Tailwind CSS and Vuetify.
And you get to keep this promotional price and add-ons for as long as your plan is active, not only for the first year.
Visit Vue Designer Homepage to take advantage of the launch offer
Here is a full list of chapters for your easy reference:
01 | Introduction |
02 | Pizzeria Landing Page |
03 | Clone Iles TailwindCSS Template |
04 | Copy Assets Into Iles Template |
05 | Open Project in Vue Designer |
06 | Clean-Up Iles Template |
07 | Create HeroSection |
08 | Create FeatureSection |
09 | Convert Other Sections Into Components |
10 | Svelte TheFooter |
11 | Add Hamburger Interactions To Head/Body |
12 | Build App with Site-URL (SEO) |
13 | Rendering Strategies |
14 | Let’s Vue with SFC |
15 | Create MyButton Component |
16 | Use BaseButton Component |
17 | Use BaseIcon Component |
18 | Treeshaking By Vite |
19 | Create PizzaCard With :props & v-directives |
20 | ChatGPT vs Lorem Ipsum |
21 | Re-build and Review |
22 | Add trailingIcon To BaseButton via #slots |
23 | Add To Cart with @events |
24 | Add New pages & NavBar Island Group |
25 | Add Checkout Button To PizzaStore |
26 | Make the Cart reactive with `ref` |
27 | Conditional Badge with `computed` |
28 | Typescript |
29 | FloatingCart & Cart composable |
30 | Move Pizzas array to db.json |
31 | Async fetch Pizza Data from API |
32 | Move FloatingCart to layout |
33 | Page Navigation and dark/light mode |
34 | State Management & UX in MPAs |
35 | Vite-Powered Meta-frameworks |
36 | Let’s Re-Vue |
37 | Bonus intro – Authoring Experience |
38 | Bonus 1 – Convert Pizzeria Iles to Astro |
39 | Bonus 2 – Convert Pizzeria Iles to Vitepress |
40 | Bonus 3 – Pinia & Pizzeria Vitepress |